Package: GenEst 1.4.9

GenEst: Generalized Mortality Estimator

Command-line and 'shiny' GUI implementation of the GenEst models for estimating bird and bat mortality at wind and solar power facilities, following Dalthorp, et al. (2018) <doi:10.3133/tm7A2>.

Authors:Daniel Dalthorp [aut, cre], Juniper Simonis [aut], Lisa Madsen [aut], Manuela Huso [aut], Paul Rabie [aut], Jeffrey Mintz [aut], Robert Wolpert [aut], Jared Studyvin [aut], Franzi Korner-Nievergelt [aut]

GenEst.pdf |GenEst.html
GenEst/json (API)

# Install 'GenEst' in R:
install.packages('GenEst', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3




7.74 score 6 stars 2 packages 55 scripts 516 downloads 2 mentions 100 exports 55 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:7dfc443913. Checks:4 OK, 7 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 11 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 11 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 11 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEFeb 11 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 11 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 11 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 11 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKFeb 11 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKFeb 11 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKFeb 11 2025



GenEst - 1. A Tutorial with Wind Examples

Rendered fromwind-examples.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 11 2025.

Last update: 2021-06-16
Started: 2018-05-31

GenEst - 2. Tutorial with Solar Example

Rendered fromsolar-examples.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 11 2025.

Last update: 2021-06-16
Started: 2018-06-11

GenEst - 3. Command Line Walkthrough

Rendered fromcommand-line-example.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 11 2025.

Last update: 2021-06-16
Started: 2017-12-12

GenEst - 4. Graphic User Interface

Rendered fromGenEstGUI.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 11 2025.

Last update: 2021-06-16
Started: 2018-09-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Generic S3 function for summarizing AICcaicc
Extract AIC and AICc for a carcass persistence modelaicc.cpm
Create the AICc tables for a set of carcass persistence modelsaicc.cpmSet
Create the AICc tables for a list of sets of searcher efficiency modelsaicc.cpmSetSize
extract AICc value from pkm objectaicc.pkm
Create the AICc tables for a set of searcher efficiency modelsaicc.pkmSet
Create the AICc tables for a list of sets of searcher efficiency modelsaicc.pkmSetSize
Create the AICc tables for a list of sets of searcher efficiency modelsaicc.pkmSize
GenEst InformationaboutContent app_content createvtext disclaimersContent disclaimerUSGS disclaimerWEST GenEstAcknowledgements GenEstAuthors GenEstGUIauthors GenEstLicense GenEstLogos gettingStartedContent
GenEst app download funtionsapp_download_functions downloadCPFig downloadCPmod downloadgFig downloadgres downloadMFig downloadMres downloadSEFig downloadSEmod downloadTable
GenEst App Messagesapp_msg_functions clearNotifications msgFracNote msgList msgModDone msgModFail msgModPartialFail msgModRun msgModSENobs msgModWarning msgSampleSize msgSplitFail msgSSavgFail msgSSinputFail
app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for displayapp_output_utilities classText estText initialOutput reNULL setFigH setFigW setNotSuspending
app panel utility functionsapp_panels dataTabPanel modelOutputPanel selectedDataPanel
The GenEst server definition functionapp_server eventReaction GenEstServer reaction reactionMessageDone reactionMessageRun
Create the GenEst User Interface HTMLaboutPanel analysisPanel app_ui CPMainPanel CPPanel CPSidebar dataInputPanel dataInputSidebar disclaimersPanel downloadsPanel GeneralInputSidebar GeneralInputsPanel GenEstUI gettingStartedPanel gMainPanel gPanel gSidebar helpPanel loadedDataPanel MMainPanel MPanel MSidebar SEMainPanel SEPanel SESidebar
HTML parametersapp_ui_utilities b big cButtonStyle center GenEstInlineCSS GenEstShinyJS li navbar ol small style u ul
app utilitiesapp_utilities initialReactiveValues modNamePaste modNameSplit pickSizeclass plotNA prepSizeclassText reVal selectData setkNeed updateColNames_size updateSizeclasses updatesizeCol
Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data outputapp_widgets dataDownloadWidget dataInputWidget kFixedWidget kFixedWidgetHeader kFixedWidgetRow modelInputWidget modelOutputWidget modelRunWidget modelSelectionWidget modelSelectionWidgetHeader modelSelectionWidgetRow preTextMaker splitButtonWidget widgetMaker
Tabulate an average search schedule from a multi-unit SS data tableaverageSS
Calculate detection probability for given SE and CP parameters and search schedule.calcg
Estimate the number of fatalities in each search interval throughout the monitoring period.calcRate
Estimate the number of fatalities by up to two splitting covariatescalcSplits
Estimate the number of fatalities by time intervalcalcTsplit
Check for model componentscheckComponents
Checks whether a vector of data can be interpreted as datescheckDate
Error check a specific model selection for a CP plotcheckSpecificModelCP
Error check a specific model selection for an SE plotcheckSpecificModelSE
Associate CO carcasses with appropriate DWP values (by unit and carcass class)CO_DWP
Combine predictorscombinePreds
Combine predictors across modelscombinePredsAcrossModels
Count the minimum number of carcasses in the cellscountCarcs
Produce a named vector of standard CP plot colorsCPcols
Produce the options for the distributions in the CP modelCPdistOptions
Calculate the negative log-likelihood of a carcass persistence modelcpLogLik
Fit cp carcass persistence modelscpm cpm0 cpmSet cpmSize
Plot cell-specific decay curve for carcass persistencecpmCPCellPlot
Check if a CP model is well-fitcpmFail
Check if cpm models failcpmSetFail
Remove failed cpm models from a 'cpmSet' objectcpmSetFailRemove
Check if all of the cpm models failcpmSetSizeFail
Remove failed cpm models from a 'cpmSetSize' objectcpmSetSizeFailRemove
Plot cell-specific decay curve for carcass persistencecpmSetSpecCPCellPlot
Select the date columns from a data tabledateCols
Calculate day of study from calendar datedateToDay
Auto-parsing to find the name of the unit column ('unitCol')defineUnitCol
Descriptive statistics for a fitted CP modeldesc
Create the download version of the Searcher Efficiency model tabledlModTabSE
Select the DWP-ok columns from a data tableDWPCols
Fit density-weighted proportion (DWP) models.dwpm
Estimate all carcass-level detection rates and arrival intervalsestg
Estimate generic gestgGeneric
Estimate generic detection probability for multiple carcass classesestgGenericSize
Estimate mortalityestM
Expand a CP model set for plottingexpandModelSetCP
Generalized estimation of mortalityGenEst
Compute the logit or anti-logitalogit logit
Transpose a list of arraysltranspose
A mock example data setmock
model utility functions (not exported)matchCells modelSetCells modelSetModelCells modelSetModelPredictors modelSetPredictors model_utility_functions
Select the columns from a data table that could be CP First Time Absent observationsobsCols_fta
Select the columns from a data table that could be CP Last Time Present observationsobsCols_ltp
Select the columns from a data table that could be SE observationsobsCols_SE
Calculate the negative log-likelihood of a searcher efficiency modelpkLogLik
Fit pk searcher efficiency models.pkm pkm0 pkmSet pkmSize
Check if a pk model is well-fitpkmFail
Plot parameter box plots for each cell for either p or kpkmParamPlot
Plot cell-specific decay curve for searcher efficiencypkmSECellPlot
Check if all of the pkm models fail within a given setpkmSetAllFail
Check if pkm models failpkmSetFail
Remove failed pkm models from a 'pkmSet' objectpkmSetFailRemove
Check if all of the pkm models failpkmSetSizeFail
Remove failed pkm models from a 'pkmSetSize' objectpkmSetSizeFailRemove
p or k box plots for an SE model setpkmSetSpecParamPlot
Plot cell-specific decay curve for searcher efficiency for a specific model with comparison to the cellwise modelpkmSetSpecSECellPlot
The CDF of the loglogistic distributionpllogis
Plot results of a single CP modelplot.cpm
Plot results of a set of CP modelsplot.cpmSet
Plot total mortality estimationplot.estM
Plot results of a single generic ghat estimationplot.gGeneric
Plot results of a set of size-based generic ghat estimationsplot.gGenericSize
Plot results of a single pk modelplot.pkm
Plot results of a set of SE modelsplot.pkmSet
Plot summary statistics for splits of mortality estimatesplot.splitFull
Plot summary statistics for splits of mortality estimatesplot.splitSummary
Plot the cellwise results of a single model in a set of CP modelsplotCPCells
Plot results of a single CP model in a setplotCPFigure
The CP plot headerplotCPHeader
p and k box plots for an SE model setplotSEBoxPlots
template box plotplotSEBoxTemplate
Plot the cellwise results of a single model in a set of SE modelsplotSECells
Plot results of a single SE model in a setplotSEFigure
The SE plot headerplotSEHeader
Calculate the probability of persistence to detectionppersist
Select the predictor-ok columns from a data tablepredsCols
Prepare predictors based on inputsprepPredictors
Create search schedule data into an prepSS object for convenient splits analysesprepSS
Create the pretty version of the Carcass Persistence model tableprettyModTabCP
Create the pretty versions of model and summary tablesprettyModTabSE
Create the pretty version of the split summary tableprettySplitTab
Print a 'cpm' model objectprint.cpm
Print a 'pkm' model objectprint.pkm
Quantiles of marginal distributions of \hat{p} and \hat{k}qpk
Simulate parameters from a fitted cp modelrcp
Simulate parameters from a fitted dwp modelrdwp
Read in csv files in either formatreadCSV
Return the model with the greatest log-likelihoodrefMod
Remove selected columns from column namesremoveCols
Simulate parameters from a fitted pk modelrpk
Launch the GenEst ApplicationrunGenEst
Produce a named vectory with standard SE plot colorsSEcols
Produce a single panel in an SE summary/diagnostic plotSEpanel
Calculate decayed searcher efficiencySEsi
Calculate conditional probability of observation at a searchSEsi_left
Calculate conditional probability of observation after a series of searchesSEsi_right
Calculate decayed searcher efficiency for a single pkSEsi0
Plot a total mortality estimation for a simple situationsimpleMplot
Select the potential carcass class columns from a data tablesizeCols
Power Tower Example Datasetsolar_powerTower
Photovoltaic Example Datasetsolar_PV
Trough-based solar thermal power simulated examplesolar_trough
Summarize total mortality estimationsummary.estM
Summarize the gGeneric list to a simple tablesummary.gGeneric
Summarize the gGenericSize list to a list of simple tablessummary.gGenericSize
Summarize results of mortality estimate splitssummary.splitFull
Tidy a CP model settidyModelSetCP
Tidy an SE model settidyModelSetSE
Transpose a 'splitFull' array (preserving attributes)transposeSplits
Trim a Model-Set-Size Complex to a Single Model Per SizetrimSetSize
Update the inputs when an event occursupdate_input
Update the outputs when an event occursupdate_output
Update the reactive value list when an event occursupdate_rv
Wind cleared plot (60m) Search Examplewind_cleared
Wind Road and Pad (120m) Examplewind_RP
Wind Bat-Only Road and Pad (120m) Examplewind_RPbat